I am not a tea person, in the sense that I don’t drink every day, three times a day. I don’t hate tea either. The story goes like this – as a small child, I would see my mom drinking tea three times a day and complaining of headache or listlessness until she got her morning or evening cuppa. That’s when I decided I was not going to be a slave to tea. I will be my own master – drink it whenever I feel like, not because I have to. So, I am more of a fussy tea drinker, yes, I want that perfect cup of tea with all the works and which makes me feel cozy and warm. Let’s see why these three teas are perfect for every season and reason?
Feel good tea: I make a mean kadak masala chai with loads of ginger (so much so that your throat should feel the zing) and fresh lemongrass.
How to make tea:
- Add black tea leaves to water
- Let it brew on slow and for long
- Add full fat milk
- If you need sweetness like me, turn off the gas, add jaggery. (Yes, I don’t take sugar for all the debate whether sugar tea is bad for health, so I prefer jaggery)
Ginger and lemongrass boost metabolism and are good for digestion. Lemongrass heals flu and cold and relieves menstrual pain. In the summer, I add fresh mint leaves which apart from aiding digestion also has a calming and cooling effect.
Drink this and tell me if you can’t hear the violins (OK, let’s not be that theatrical), magpies sing, if it doesn’t make you feel good about your life, yourself and the whole world in general.
Pick me up tea: In those chilly wintry evenings or if you are suffering from cold and cough, or just down with what’s happening in this world, my version of Indian spiced tea is the perfect anecdote to pick you up in minutes.
Add tulsi leaves, black pepper, dried ginger root powder, cloves, cinnamon and star anise (add cardamom, though I am myself not a big fan of it). These delicious and powerful spices awaken the senses and alleviate aches and pains and nausea. They have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties that lend extra ordinary health benefits to the drinker.
Time pass tea: Don’t be fooled by the name, it is anything but time pass. There are times when it’s too hot to drink creamy tea or I am too lazy to fix myself one. That is when this green tea comes to my aid.
Boil water, add a few green tea leaves (I prefer orange and mint flavoured), and ginger slivers. After 5-7 minutes or depending upon the strength of tea you prefer, strain tea, add lemon and honey.
Psst…, there are times when I add fresh rose petals and even marigold petals if available.
Green tea has a high content of powerful flavonoid antioxidants. Lemon brings out green tea’s antioxidants which then gets readily absorbed by the body. The compounds in tea can inhibit iron absorption from foods in your diet, green tea with lemon reduces that effect. Honey is a rich source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. It also provides magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, copper, zinc, vitamins A, B-complex and C. Drinking green tea with honey and lemon helps in cold and soothes dry cough.
In the summer, I even make iced tea using green tea leaves, adding lemon grass and honey for extra flavour.
So, tell me how did you find these three powerful green teas and which tea is best for you. Aren’t these three teas perfect for every season and reason?
With the winter setting in slowly and steadily, it’s time to indulge in some flavourful teas, what say!!