Book Review – 26 Favourite foods and a little bit of me by Mayuri Nidigallu

You come across a cookery blog or book, and you tend to dismiss it by saying ‘It’s just another one in the long list!” but, then you pick it up and go through it only to realise that is not the case.

Mayuri pic

I am so glad I picked up Mayuri’s book “26 Favourite foods and a little bit of me” (of course the cover picture of an indulgent Indian spread in copper handis helped) for not only I got some amazing recipes, but also caught a glimpse into Mayuri’s childhood, her likes and dislikes, and her family.

Every chapter in the book describes a food item beginning with an alphabet, and also talks about her personal life starting with the very same alphabet. For instance, C is for Chaat, but then the same chapter also talks about C for Calm! I found it quite innovative and entertaining!

A book is the author’s reflection, Mayuri’s book is definitely hers. The titbits of personal information that she shares make the book more personable and interesting. As I flipped one page after another, I got to know that Mayuri is born a Punjabi and married to a Telegu in an arranged inter-caste marriage (my eyebrows almost touched the head), she can imitate people’s voice and mannerisms, she hates elaborate cooking (we have to be soul sisters), the hilarious story of her wedding day sweet ‘Putarekulu’ and about her numerous quirks. It also made me wonder if I didn’t already know her.  apart from the fact that she is a tarot card reader and runs a lifestyle blog magazine by the name Sirimiri.

Her language is simple. She has mentioned the recipe links that takes you directly to her blog site, which I thought was very clever on her part, as it keeps the book clean and short.

I am not a foodie, but going through 26 different foods in Mayuri’s book, I realized I love good food. Also, it’s not just another cookery book, it’s much more than that!!

If you liked what you read, do download “26 Favourite foods and a little bit of me” by Mayuri Nidigallu from here –