A newborn baby suckling at the breast is one of the greatest joys of motherhood. Most women look forward to breastfeeding as soon as they deliver. However, the breastfeeding experience is not always a happy one. There can be breastfeeding challenges in the first few days. Many new mothers can experience discomfort, even fierce pain while breastfeeding their newborn. Newborn babies, especially preemies have latching problems. This can lead to new mothers dreading the breastfeeding activity, ignoring the cries from their wailing baby or weaning off their baby and giving their baby formula milk. Here are 13 valuable tips for breastfeeding success for new mothers.
- Find a private or secluded place to nurse your baby. Away from prying eyes, you will find you are more comfortable nursing and will connect better to your body and your baby.
- Put on a nipple shield. Made of silicone, it can protect your nipple while nursing.
- Rub a little petroleum jelly on your nipples after nursing. You can even rub your own milk. It helps in healing cracked or sore nipples.
- Don’t be alarmed if you leak. It’s perfectly natural for new mothers to leak, especially if they produce more milk and their baby is not consuming it all.
- Eat healthy. Lactation friendly foods like green leafy vegetables, Gondh Ladoos, coconut, nuts and seeds, sago, are known to increase breast milk.
- Drink plenty of water, especially before and after feeding your baby. Staying hydrated helps with the smoother milk flow.
- Find a breastfeeding position that is the most comfortable for you. And it is OK to lie down and nurse. However, avoid nursing lying down if you are feeling sleepy. You might roll over onto your baby during sleep.
- Wear nursing or breastfeeding bras or nursing friendly clothes. It’s easier to nurse when you are comfortable.
- Invest in an electric breast pump. It’s faster, less painful and very convenient. It can be very handy in the first few months when your baby has latching problems and you experience immense pain while breastfeeding. You can express your milk and feed your baby your own milk through the bottles.
- Not every mother feeds and enjoys the process from day one. To get comfortable breastfeeding sometimes takes time, and it’s perfectly fine. Take your time. You and your baby will get there.
- The more you nurse, the more milk you produce. Many mothers worry that they are not producing enough milk. Don’t worry. Your body is very smart. It produces enough milk to take care of your baby’s need. As your baby demands, your body produces milk accordingly to satisfy him or her.
- If you are still not comfortable feeding, think about giving formula to your child. Remember, a well-fed child is more important than a baby who doesn’t get adequate mother’s milk. And ignore people; they will still talk.
- Talk to a doctor or lactation consultant if you have worries. There is nothing wrong in seeking out help. Do not suffer in silence. It is neither good for you, nor for your baby.
So these are 13 valuable tips for breastfeeding success for new mothers. Hope they will come in useful for you.