10 healthy and tasty 100-calorie snacks for 5 pm hunger

The 4 or 5 pm hunger is a legitimate thing, and if you avoid eating then, you most probably will end up overeating at dinner time or resort to late night snacking which is even worse. However, there are a few rules to snacking.

  • Snacks should be eaten between meals. At least 1-2 hours before and after a meal.
  • It should be protein and fiber rich and nutrient dense, and not just loaded with carbs.
  • Snacks should be eaten in less quantity, so that it doesn’t overpower the meals.

Having said, here are a few 100-calorie snack ideas. Now munch guilt-free.

Fruits. Fruits are an ideal snack as they are loaded with natural sugars and fiber, and keep you full for long. Eat a medium sized apple, 20-25 grapes or 200 gms strawberries.

Apple with peanut butter. If munching an apple is not your thing, then spread some unsalted homemade peanut butter on a small sized apple slices. A good way to add healthy fats and protein to your diet and it will keep you full for longer than you can imagine.

Hummus with 1 carrot and cucumber. Made of chickpeas and sesame seeds, hummus is rich in protein and calcium. Make a large batch that can last you a week. Now, all you need to do is slice some carrots and cucumbers and your snack time is sorted. You can indulge in some kale chips if you are extra hungry.

Instead of hummus, you can have a tzatziki or any other yogurt-based dip.

Nuts. Nuts are a powerhouse of nutrients and non-saturated fats. Take a handful, we mean 8-10 numbers each, of almonds and pistachios.

Energy balls or ladoos. Ladoos made of nuts and seeds are low in calories but can keep your energy levels up for a long time. Try Nutty Dates Ragi Ladoo sweetened naturally with dates or Sesame Peanut Ladoo made of sesame seeds, peanuts and jaggery.

Turmeric or spiced latte. When milk is heated with turmeric or aromatic and flavourful spices like cinnamon, cardamom and cloves, it not only becomes a fancy pick up but also a satisfying snack. Keep turmeric and spice paste ready, so that all you need to do is heat up some milk and mix a few teaspoons in the mug. Instead of dairy, even spiced plant based milk tastes great.

Home popped popcorn. When we talk about popcorn, keep this in mind, it’s not the bagged variety that comes loaded with salt or sugar, but home popped corn kernels. Also, it’s not exactly under 100 calories, but 30 gm of air popped popcorn provides 120 gm calories, but is a good source of fibre. Use your favourite seasoning – salt, black pepper, cayenne pepper, chat masala, etc.

Boiled chickpeas or red gram. Boiled chickpeas or red gram salad with lemon and chat masala is not only a great savoury snack but also high in fiber, protein, and packed full of nutrients.

100 gm yogurt. Yogurt is high in protein and promotes growth of good gut bacteria. 100 gm bowl of yogurt can provide you with 70 calories approx. and 5.2 gm of protein.

Boiled egg. High in fiber (6 gm) and just 78 calories, eggs are an easy to pack and eat snack item. 

These 100-calorie snacks can not only stand in the hunger gap but can also provide a healthy burst of energy.

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