A secret room with a broken bed and peeled walls

#TellTaleThursday – 21st February 2019

The rules are simple:

  • Write a story, complete in itself.
  • Check spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
  • Copy and paste your Story URL to the inLinkz list.
  • The story should be up to 250 words.
  • Add this line < #TellTaleThursday with Anshu & Priya > at the end of the post.
  • Read, comment and share – spread the love.

Here’s the prompt:

A secret place at your home.. you didn’t know about

Write a story on when you come across it


Word count – 233 Words

Old Delhi

Little Rhea loved to visit her granny’s house in Old Delhi. It was huge and majestic and it had a grill for the flooring through which you could see who was entering the house. She loved to explore the various rooms – some big and some small. The kitchen was the same like in her house, but the adjacent room had huge china jars with an assortment of pickles that her granny made.

In the small room at the front was where the accountant sat from morning to evening and locked the door before leaving. In the room next to her parents’ bedroom, the one where they stayed when they visited granny’s house, with the brown door had iron trunks and wooden chests. They held her granny’s clothes, jewellery and other knick-knacks that never failed to fascinate Rhea.

On the terrace was a big room where tailors sat and worked all day, their sewing machines working in tandem. Rhea visited them whenever her granny took tea for them.

There was a door in her parents’ bedroom which stayed closed. It opened to a staircase that went up and down. She knew it opened to the terrace, but she was afraid of finding out what was there at the bottom of the stairwell.

Years later, she dared to go down the staircase and wonder of wonders, she found a mezzanine and two perfectly functional rooms.

(This is a description of my grandparents’ house in Old Delhi. There was a mezzanine floor which could not be perceived from the outside, it was accessible only through this secret passage)

15 thoughts on “#TellTaleThursday – 21st February 2019

  1. There used to be hidden places and rooms in old houses. We used to feel like Mr Holmes while hunting the nooks and corners for entertaining stuff.
    Good one, Anshu.

    1. I agree, Priya, these old houses had so many hidden places and rooms. Though all these rooms were built with some purpose, kids had a gala time inventing their own purpose – like haunted rooms, etc.

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