Garage and Jobs

PHOTO PROMPT ©Douglas M. MacIlroy

Linking with Rochelle Wisoff’s Friday Fictioneers

I am dropping out of college. Paul announced with forced calmness.


Jeremy and I have a super idea for a product.

And where will you work from?

Our garage?

Steve Jobs started Apple in a garage, you know! Paul tried to convince his father.

Well, he was Jobs. And you are? Paul’s father was fighting a losing battle with his patience.

You are such a douche, dad. I could become Jobs too, what do you know?

“I know. I started in a garage, remember? And I am still there. He shook his head. History was repeating itself.

21 thoughts on “Garage and Jobs

  1. Parents do make a reasonable argument. But it is no way to undermine his son…at least he should be given an year or two before we agree that history is repeating itself!

  2. I am sure the father means well.. But I guess it is no harm in trying. He may make it big or may not. If he doesn’t, at least he won’t regret that he never tried.

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