Guardian Angel

PHOTO PROMPT © Jilly Funell

Hosted by Friday Fictioneers

“I badly need coffee.”

“Let’s go to the tower first. Visiting hours will end soon,” she urged.

They got a panoramic bird’s eye view of the city. But he could only see the people sitting on the road side café and enjoying their coffee.

“Let’s leave,” he said.

They heard a loud explosion and the tower shook. It felt as if the earth had moved from beneath their feet. He looked down where thick clouds of smoke and dust were rising up. He could hear sirens in the distance.

Where did the café go?

39 thoughts on “Guardian Angel

  1. But now where will they get their coffee? Sorry 😉 My first thought was close to what Iain said. It was a lucky escape (or a well fated escape? Divinely inspired escape?) but I hope they don’t have survivor’s guilt over it.

  2. A chance escape, safely above the tragedy that came by chance for those unfortunate enough to be in the coffee place. Nothing and nobody is safe in this life. Well told.

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