PHOTO PROMPT © Gah Learner
It was that time of the month when the stars twinkled in full glory. The snow capped mountains looked more magical. The usually calm lake danced in quivered delight.
Joanna standing at the bridge looked up at the silvery orb of the moon and sighed. On one such night many full moons ago, their eyes had met on this bridge. She knew she had found her âme sœur. She waited for him every full moon. In vain.
Little did she know that he was waiting for her too. Only at the bottom of the lake.
This post is written for Friday Fictioneers.
awww.. this is cute
Thank you Deepa! 🙂
Oh, no! Why? What happened?
No one knows Meena! Even she doesn’t know where he has disappeared!! 🙁
That is so sad!
Nice twist! 🙂
Thank you 🙂
Most welcome! 🙂
Sad its it not, when two lovers cannot meet?
Agree, but so many of them are not able to meet for whatever circumstances.
Dear Anshu,
You leave us with questions. Beautifully written.
Thank you Rochelle.
Beautifully written. Floored by your writing style. Kudos Anshu!
Has that feel of “An Affair to Remember”… so sad.
Oh is it!! Wow.. Thanks Dale
It is as if fate has betrayed her future.
Poor Joanna. I hope she doesn’t linger by the lake much longer. There comes a time when you have to move on if she’s to have a happy life.
Well said penny. I am sure she will réalise it one day.
One can only hope the pain of waiting in vain doesn’t lead her to join him.
Click to read my FriFic tale!
Oh no.. That would be disastrous
This is sad for the lovers and readers.
Agree, Kalpana, but we live in a real world, where lovers don’t always meet! 🙁
A tinge of romance, sadness, and spooky. well done, Anshu!
Thank you Priya! 🙂
Beautifully done, with a surprise twist at the end.
Thank you Subroto!
Beautifully written.
Thank you Lisa!
Oh no. how tragic! Good twist
Thank you. I know it’s a little tragic – but I somehow don’t enjoy writing happy endings of late.
You caught me out with the ending, and left a question, why is he at the bottom of the lake, perhaps she has an unknown jealous admirer
HI Michael, I left the end to the imagination of the reader. There could be various ways to interpret it – maybe he owed money and when was unable to cough it, the person killed him or he got caught in a gang war, or as you said perhaps she has an unknown jealous admirer. 🙂
Poor man, I wonder what his crime was? And Joanna best beware if her future lies at the bottom of the lake. Nicely done.
Thank you! Sometimes people can be at the wrong time at the wrong place – that’s what happened to the poor man.
A ghostly romance. I hope Joanna leaves the lakeside soon.
Hope so too Jilly! she needs to start living in the real world!
I hope she will find a way to something lighter… a ghost lover is not a good thing
Ha ha, agree! I think she will get that too very soon!
Nicely crafted twist!
Thank you Dahlia!