Mirror mirror on the wall

PHOTO PROMPT © Nathan Sowers grandson of our own Dawn M. Miller

The magician said, “Ask what you want to see and the mirror shall show!”

“Show me something happy,” the girl demanded.

The mirror went blank and then flashed an image. A little girl was playing in front of a shed.

“Show me something scary,” her partner teased. A father was hitting his teenage son. The man scowled and left with the girl.

The magician gave a knowing smile. He muttered, “Take me to someplace I can never go.” A small boy was throwing pebbles in the river.

This post is written for Friday Fictioneers.





44 thoughts on “Mirror mirror on the wall

  1. Wait. The magician never threw rocks as a kid? Is the man in the second part walking of with the girl from the first? How long has the magician had the mirror? So many questions.

    1. Alice the story talks about how every grown up yearns for childhood in some or the other way. Three people asked three different things but they all were related to their childhood even that if the magician.

  2. You’ve imagined a very interesting concept, that childhood is the place we long for even when we’re adults and even when the childhood has been less than perfect.
    It’s an ambitious concept, and all credit to you for choosing to work with it. I hope you don’t mind me saying, though, that I found it difficult to understand the concept from the story – I needed the comments to help. The main stumbling block for me was the man’s wish. It didn’t seem clear that he’s the teenage boy; he could be the father, hitting the boy.
    Anyway, a good story, and I shall look forward to reading more Friday Fictioneers stories from you in future!

    1. Thanks Penny! I realised it from the comments I was getting on the story. I guess 100 word fiction does that to you. But in future, will take care of this. Thanks again for commenting and taking the pains to let me know this! 🙂

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