Light and Dark

A man in pinstripe and trench coat carrying a sleek laptop bag asked a passer-by, “What is this gathering for?”

“Two little girls were raped in the Park and their throats slit. We are showing our solidarity for this heinous act. Join us!”

Thousands gathered at the Lake to light candles. Golden candles bobbing on gentle lake waters against the indigo of the sky was a sight to behold.

“Hey, care for candies?”

A little girl in pink turned and nodded. Leaving her mother’s side, she went behind the tree. An expensively cuffed wrist immediately grabbed her by the throat.

PHOTO PROMPT © Carla Bicomong

Written for: Friday Fictioneers


18 thoughts on “Light and Dark

  1. What a vicious cycle. It is alarming that we can come together to mourn one assault and by the very act of gathering provide the conditions which allow the next one to happen! Such an opportunistic crime traps us in a paradigm where no one can let down their guard, even for an instant. Sad, and truer than I’d like to admit.

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