Evil bottle

She opened the door to be greeted with cobwebs, dirt and stale air. She was visiting the house after 10 long years. Nothing seemed to have changed.

She found a mountain of cigarette stubs and a half-finished bottle of whiskey in the living room. That’s where her mother’s body was found. She had committed suicide, they said.

She opened the bottle and sniffed. It smelled nice. Her father forbade her to drink.
“Drinking is evil. It turned your mother into a devil.”

Curious she put the bottle to her mouth.


PHOTO PROMPT © Yvette Prior

Written for: Friday Fictioneers

18 thoughts on “Evil bottle

  1. Dear Anshu,

    Welcome to Friday Fictioneers. I’m hoping the mother’s body isn’t still there when the daughter picks up the bottle. 😉
    2 notes – I was able to link your story correctly on the link list. Please make sure the link you copy and paste is you STORY URL. (It was an easy fix once I found your wordpress link on Twitter. 😉 )
    And…it’s helpful and perfectly legal to copy and paste the photo on your page. It’s one of the things that links us all together as a group. I hope that made sense.
    At any rate and again, welcome to our global writing community.



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