Ombré happiness

This story is part of a novella – A girl was born

Do check out the first and the subsequent chapters –

small baby - 15th chapter

Tara got married for three reasons – to make her parents happy, to try to move on in life and to be a mother. Her biological clock was ticking. Nikhil was not too keen on bringing a baby so soon into their married life, but Tara was adamant. She wanted a baby, and sooner the better. Finally, he conceded. And, as luck would have it, the storks visited the newly wedded couple even before they could celebrate their first wedding anniversary.

Little Tia soon entered the world. She weighed 2.2 kgs, the same as her mother when she was born, and just as tiny. She resembled like an overgrown gecko. Fortunately, no one gave her any funny names. Her mother looked at the tiny wrinkled baby and cried. Tia had her dark complexion. Papa Nikhil couldn’t guess the real reason why Tara was upset. He thought they were the tears of a happy new mother.

Tia changed the life of Tara and Nikhil. Tara for the first time in many years came to love another person so completely. Her world revolved around Tia.

She spent less time with Nikhil, refused to go out with him or socialize because her baby needed her more. The chasm between the couple started widening with each passing day. Nikhil realized that but Tara was oblivious to it. Or maybe she didn’t care. She wanted to be a mother, she was one now. The rest was not important enough.

As Tia grew up, Tara realized that though Tia looked like Tara, she was a lot different than Tara was when she was small. While Tara was outdoorsy, Tia preferred reading books or drawing in a quiet corner of her room. She remembered her childhood days when her mother had to send a search party to bring her home at dinner time. Tara had a horde of friends, while Tia preferred the company of a few chosen ones. Her quiet demeanour and liking for solitude exasperated Tara.

Nikhil tried to explain to her, “Tara, Tia is not you. Just because she came out of your womb, she doesn’t have to be like you. She is a person in her own right. So, stop expecting her to do what you did or what you want.” It took a long time for Tara to understand the wisdom behind those words.

Motherhood makes you forget many other important things in your life? What do you think? Read further in the next chapter Past is never dead.

26 thoughts on “Ombré happiness

    1. Shalini, Tara is still not happy. Not sure what she is looking for. Her past is pulling her back. If only she realizes this soon. Yes, there are a few twists and turns 🙂

  1. Now, first thing, loved Tara to accept Niki and start a new life. Second, I should applaud nikil for giving the space to Tara. He is trying to reason the gap and takes it positive. God wills the couple stay happy. Thirdly, you have shown us the emotions of Tara beautifully where she feels for the dusky color of tia.. Feeling like I am next door of tara.. U are crafting your story very beautiful anshu. O is for Odyssey of Parenting Mind.

    1. Thank you so much Deepa. Nikhil is the rare ideal man, if only Tara realizes this sooner. Sometimes you don’t see things which are right in front of you and hanker after things which are beyond your reach. What Tara has suffered as a young child, she doesn’t want Tia to suffer. She knows the world hasn’t changed much regards to accepting dusky complexion.

  2. I think as Moms we often look for similarities with ourselves in our kids and the moment we find it, we are on cloud nine. But its important to understand that they are individuals in their own right. Nikhil is right. I am a bit worried about Nikhil and Tara;s relationship. Looks like the past is returning into her life.

    1. True, Akshata. We are always trying to find our version in our kids, which is not fair. Nikhil is a fair person. But, Tara doesn’t realize that. The past must revisit for her to be totally free of it. You will see why!! 🙂

  3. Ha ha, Rhea and Tia. 🙂 You are right Tara is not appreciating what a fine man Nikhil is. She is like a little girl lost in her own fantasy world. Himanshu… sometimes we need to encounter the past ghosts to save our future. So much sympathy for Tara and so much hatred for Himanshu 😉 🙂 Thanks Neethu!

  4. I have a daughter too and I try to see my reflection in her. As she is growing up, she is blooming into a different personality. I am quite excited about the possibilities.

    1. Thanks so much! I see my daughter too turning so different from me. I see her, she is smart and confident. I just hope she stays that way and I can be a good mother to her! 🙂

  5. Tara is a perpetually unhappy person. She needs to find happiness from within. Her happiness revolves always around someone else be it Himanshu or Tia. She needs to do some soul-searching. Please make this character do something for herself instead of always nagging others. PHEW!!!

  6. For the first time I felt Tara is so self engrossed. Isnt she little selfish to think only about herself. Wish she grows out of this vanity soon.

    1. Yes, true that! She is coming out as selfish!! She needs to think of others too! But I have seen this – unhappy people are selfish even if they don’t want to.

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