New beginnings

This story is part of a novella – A girl was born

Do check out the first and the subsequent chapters –

indian bride - 14th chapter.jpg
Image: flickr

Tara couldn’t believe that Nikhil, the sweet and simple guy whom she had met two months ago was now her husband. At first, Tara had refused to meet him, in fact she did not want to meet him at all, but under the family pressure she had relented. It was her mother’s tears that finally did her in.

She said, “Honey, you have been refusing good proposals for the last 2 years, but now we want to see you married and happy with your husband. It’s not that we are asking for much.”

Her father then joined in, “Child, just for one mistake do you want to suffer all your life. Haven’t you repented enough?” He wasn’t wrong. She had regretted her one mistake long enough. Her one big mistake of falling in love, with the wrong man. She had cried till there weren’t any tears left.

She had met Nikhil and realized that he was very different from Himanshu. He was a man of few words. He didn’t talk much, just asked Tara if she would be OK living in Mumbai, away from her parents. She nodded. She hadn’t thought of it really.

On her wedding, she was dressed in a beautiful red brocade lehenga with a rich zardosi border and studded with tiny diamonds. Her makeup was simple and she wore a tightly tied ‘veni’ of sweet smelling mogra around her hair which was wrapped in a bun. The wedding is the happiest day in a girl’s life, then why the bride’s eyes looked hollow and why her smile didn’t reach her eyes, if guests at the wedding thought that, they kept this thought to themselves. When Tara made a promise in front of the holy fire that she would strive to make her husband happy, she didn’t lie; she really meant it.

Moving to Mumbai was a blessing in disguise. Managing a household in a different city where she knew no one from her past kept her very busy. She changed the home décor, bought groceries, entertained Nikhil’s friends; her life was full.

Tara and Nikhil were like chalk and cheese. Tara was impetuous, while Nikhil thought things through. Tara was fiery as the sun, while Nikhil was cool as the moon. Together, they made a nice pair. No one looking at them would say there were made for each other, but they looked as if they were in for the long haul.

Do you think she should have married Nikhil? Do you think she would love Nikhil the way she did Himanshu? Read it in “Ombré happiness“.

34 thoughts on “New beginnings

  1. i would love if tara accepts nikhil as nikhil. we don’t eat rice all the three times. we need variety in life. two opposites will actually make a good pair. it would take time but tara will realize that if she starts getting close to know nikil. nikil should equally take a chance to know his better half. in my experience, life is full of surprises. so is the matching of tara and nikil. loved this post anshu.. i am getting eager to travel with your story everyday:) N is for Nostalgia.

    1. Thank you so much Deepa for your kind words! How well you have put it – that one needs variety. Himanshu was different from Nikhil, that shouldn’t make Nikhil any less attractive. If at all, Tara should rejoice in the difference. If she tries a little harder, she can come to love Nikhil,. But, if only she wants to….???

  2. The only life goal Tara had was to get married. Thankfully now she is married and somewhat content if not happy. I am sure love will bloom between Tara and Nikhil..I just pray Himanshu doesn’t come back in her life and she entangle herself with him in an extramarital relationship.

    1. Balaka, you are stealing my thunder with your guesswork. I am laughing here! Life is never what we assume it to be. It is full of twists and turns. Let’s see what Tara does!

  3. Perfect….when I read the first line that Tara is married I was like did I miss out any part ..I had to go look back…n m sooo sooo happy she agreed to get married…n yesss I think he sounds like a gud guy…he has all the qualities required for a lasting relationship…

  4. Interesting to know that Tara is moving on, albeit reluctantly. I did think she would marry again … Nikhil’s personality was pleasant surprise. I thought you’d get her married to someone more flamboyant who would try to sweep her off her feet!
    Lets see what happens next.

    1. Ha ha, Seema, after Himanshu’s flamboyance, she needed the quiet and more grounded personality of Nikhil. She had once been swept off her feet, fat lot of good that did to her. 🙂

  5. Nikhil sounds like a kind-hearted and stable guy. Maybe it was the right decision for Tara, someone so fiery and passionate, to be with Nikhil who will balance her. I hope to find out tomorrow!

        1. If you do, do let me know how you found it! 🙂 BTW, at the risk of sounding repetitive, I found your idea of a baby chronicling his own life a very novel one, Mahak!

  6. Some relationships flourish as they mature. Its like a pickle! Happy for Tara that she now has something meaningful to look forward to. Love will blossom soon between Nikhil and Tara for sure…keeping fingers crossed.

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